Religiofervent Blather being spewed by true believers in the Quest for Climate Supremacy.
There's not much question that Earth's Climate will change...always has...always will.
So, all sides in The Climate Crisis proponent/denier battle are betting on a sure thing.
The 'told you so, now we do things my way factor' is what they hope to control with their fear planting.
One thing all participants, on whatever side, have in common is projecting said fear factor.
The issue before us is...Which agenda will perservere?
The winner claims Climate Supremacy...control over what we do, or don't do in our incessant battle for Mankind's Dominion over Nature.
What a concept...
Project the idea that our Natural Environment is a Diminishing Resource, much like Petro Chems.
Everyone knows how the Diminishing Petro Chem Scam is working out.
Now we have Global Speculators vying for King of the Hill in THE ENVIRONMENT GAME.
The same type of people, with the same ain't the oil, it's the Oil Man...oil just sits there until OilMantality takes over.
Now we face Oilmantality in the Stratosphere...YIKES!
Who's blather do you believe?
It's going to matter.
Decisions made now, based upon all this foolishness, will result in GeoEngineering projects galore...which young people will inherit and pay for until Hell finally does freeze from the latest potential problem...Universal very scared!
Here's an example of something real...
Obama has already said the potential for darkening the sky with some sort of Anthropogenic Shield in defense of Earth against the Sun is worth looking into.
COMING a star system near you...EARTH MALL...totally enclosed, Global shopping at your fingertips...every product, from every nation...available now...24/7/365...don't miss it!
Close to reality...don'tcha think?
There are 'serious' scientists pitching this nonsense, and the big dogs are listening because none of them have any better idea of what to do than you or I.