The hard part's over.
Climate Crisis Journalism is a growth industry.
Don't miss...
Climate Depot ...Homo Sapiens record of Earth's final verdant gasp with insights into Homo Technus plans for the future.
Ceaseless banter about negative Global Effects from Anthropogenic this and Man Made that will not only provide us with valuable 411 on Earth's condition, but the competition for wildest solution is certain to provide some truly incredible diversions.
I can't wait to watch "Steam Vent Wildcatters", a Discovery Channel series depicting the exploits and mis-adventures of several early Pioneers drilling and blasting away at the Ocean floor, attempting to contain roiling plumes of seawater infused with Sulfur, Methane and other volatile elements.
Imagine the unbelieveable colors on your screen, as the toxic geyser spews from the Seabed.
Too bad 'Smell-O-Vision' didn't take off, eh?
As far as my contribution goes...remember...
There are no rules in The Environment Game.
We'll have to make it up as we go along.
Nobody has ever played this game...until now!
Iacta Alea Est!