

Here's the plan...

Climate Depot is exactly what we need right now...

It's like having a constantly updated Climate Crisis Industry Report at your fingertips.

You will not believe the amount of agenda driven gibberish being pitched by climate alarmists and their detractors.

No matter what you think, believe, wish or hope for in the world of Climate Fear, there is someone on your side, and at least one someone opposed to your every breath.

Click the link...give it some time...bathe your senses in the muddied waters...then click back here.

When you get back, let your mind drink freely from the clear, clean, constantly refined, free flowing infostream.

Your visit here will be a treat.

Cognitive response centers always respond positively to bright, ever changing impressions of the topic at hand.

How do we confront this situation before things get worse?

This method of instilling the Human Mind with essential knowledge has worked since Cave Painting.

You will gain deeper insight, and have a brighter outlook as we prepare to...

Refine the onslaught of Ecobabbleism ( Climate Crisis Journalism ) until understanding brightens the horizon

This will give us an opportunity to break the React/Respond Cycle ( think NOLA ), foresee some of the problems looming on the currently darkened horizon, and prevent them from occurring.


NOTE...2.6.07 is the day I first heard about the connection between Richard Branson and Algore.

The thought of these two characters becoming known respectively as The Smiling Face of Space and The Friendly Eco Guru sticks in my craw, and remains the primary motivation behind this presentation.

Branson, after all, made his money as a Vinyl Shill ( Record Company Shyster ), and still relies heavily on every Petro Chem Product known to man in Virgin's quest for Global Web Superiority...yet he proposes, but will never award, the Virgin Earth Challenge...beyond disengenuous, eh?

Algore is a washed up Pol who has accomplished every washed up Pol's dream...turn what's left of the ol' cache' into a new meal ticket.

He certainly has set the bar at astonishing new levels for capitalizing on losing at The Art of Compromise.

But, before we give him a full attaboy, don't forget, he's always been surrounded by the Old Pros in this racket.

Algore's Father was constantly referred to by Big Oil King Armand Hammer, of Occidental Petroleum as 'in my back pocket'.

Plus, Tipper orchestrated the most blatant, full frontal assault on The First Amendment in History...just to prove she could muster support for her repressed visions.

What's this guy really have in mind?

With these facts in hand, it didn't take much to figure out what they were up to with Live Earth, Inconvenient Truth, and the ensuing hype.

Use 'Toons and Tunes' to sway young people's attitudes in a direction which profits not only Branson and Algore, but all the other epitaph spiffing, coattail riding, bandwagon jumping, eco scammers still to come.

The posting below was written on the fly.

I attempted to touch on as much as possible, introduce concepts for the record, and fire myself up to carry on with this effort.

As you read, don't forget that the piece below was written over two years ago...the emergence of Climate Crisis Journalism was still in the future...enjoy reading The News Before it Happened.


I have good news. It's nobody's fault. Get over it. Forge ahead.

Here comes ecobabble...

With guys like Richard Branson, Algore, and Ted Turner on the case, we should have nothing to worry about, eh?

The Rebel Billionaire, Lurch the Internet Inventor, and The Mouth of the South save the planet.


I don't know about you, but I feel better.

I predict blue skys, green grass, clean oceans and birds chirping all around...coming soon...to a planet near you...send compost now...things should be ready in a few million years...buckle up, here we go...

Before these guys turn their outlooks into gospel, I'd like to go on the record.

They represent The Guilty Party.

Branson admits he got involved out of guilt.

I heard him say so on The Weather Channel.

Turner's been doing some bizarre penance ever since he married Janey.

As far as Lurch goes...that's some wacky dude...can you say, agenda?

Guilt ridden, agenda driven, Johnny Come Latelys with access to the media...great...

Here's how it looks objectively...guilt free...

As time passes, and the level of interest rises, so will the confusion over which way is best.

Special interest groups, and profiteers will see to that.

Confusion to the Enemy is a tried and true method.

No matter where you choose to stand on the issue, you're someone's enemy...so give it your full attention...don't allow confusion to reign...

With this in mind...a few simple basics...as a point of reference...

We cannot destroy the planet.

We can only destroy our niche on the planet.

The symbiosis is out of whack.

Recognize this.

We're the ones on the take. We have to make the effort.

Simply put...

Don't delude yourself about Saving the Earth.

This is about saving us.

Earth does not care.

If she did, she'd probably figger, "Hmmm. I was better off before they got here. Things were calming down."

Human Generated Global Warming can only be dealt with by ceasing the use of fossil fuels.

This is within the realm of possibility, if we're serious.

While considering this, realize that the most populous, most rapidly developing nations on the planet are early Industrial Age in much of their development.

Fossil fuels are the fuel of the Industrial Age.

What are they going to do?

We'll have to adopt a true Humanitywide Global Outlook, realize that we are fighting for survival, and accept, what, in today's world, will seem like serious hardships...starting now...

Otherwise, we start adapting to climate change, dwindling population, and greatly diminished personal freedom, as we battle over the ever scarcer supply...of just about everything...

It's as simple as that.

Change...or humans will be at war over diminishing resources until the end of time...you can take that to the bank...

Wasting decades reacting, responding, studying, conferencing, and trying to undo the past is foolish.

It's always been our way. It too must change. It's a luxury we can no longer afford.

Studies showing thirty years to serious consequences are flapdoodle.

If you believe that our actions brought about these potentially serious consequences, you know that they're serious right now.

What's done, is done, and cannot be undone. Take what we've learned. Acknowledge that there are tough decisions.

Change, or not.

Just don't get stuck nowhere.

Make the tough decisons. This is no time for fence sitting.

Also, don't forget that the Environmental Movement did not start last week.

Solutions, though costly, exist...thanks to the efforts of the early, Pioneering Eco-Folks...

Take what these New Ecobabbleists pitch with a grain of salt.

They'll have to get all their most valuable information from people they've historically put down as granola eatin', tree huggin', unwashed, etc...the spin should be fascinating...the art of compromise...strange bedfellows, and all that...

Ecobabble is also a great diversion to terrorism...we'll all feel better trying to stop Global Warming...after all, we can't do anything about terrorism, except fret...get our minds on something new...

more to follow...